Mark Sutherland - Fine Artist

Mark Sutherland - Fine Artist


Mark Sutherland SGFA

About the Artist

I am a South African born Artist based in Europe. I left South Africa in 2005, after my graduate exhibition at the University of South Africa (UNISA). Currently I practice my art in France and England.

Since the late 1990s I have been creating nudes and portraiture done traditionally in oil, as well as sensitive, bold and atmospheric drawings done in a wide variety of media. Drawing lies at the heart of my artistic practice and I work from a live model at every possible opportunity. Other important thematic content includes retro technology: Tools, instruments and implements whose uses are being forgotten to time.

I also create sculptures in wood, metal and felt. Many of my human-scale sculptures are informed by the human body, stilted, distopian communication, and human-mechanical interfaces. Other media and processes used include electronics and programming, recycled materials, storm-fallen trees and an array of axes, adzes and other traditional tools.

I enjoy experimenting with media, materials and process, while always striving for a stable, professional end product.

🇨🇵 Cet artiste multidisciplinaire, né en Afrique du Sud, a participé dans plusieurs expositions importantes à Cape Town et à Londres. Il est membre élue de la SGFA (Société des Dessinateurs).